Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I've Seen It All

I've see it all, I have seen the trees
I've seen the willow leaves dancing in the breeze
I've seen a man killed by his best friend,
and lives that were over before they were spent.
I've seen what I was, I know what I'll be
I've see it all, there is no more to see
Bjork (with Thom Yorke)

Remember the first time your heart hurt?  

I remember walking home (1st grade).  A little girl (second grader) yelled out (about me)  "look at how ugly that girl is!  I bet she doesn't have any friends, because she's so ugly!" 

I remember my heart breaking finding out my 'first love'* cheated on me, more than once [*what I considered love then, and now, are considerably different]. 

I remember the guttural pain; learning my birth mother kept me a secret from her family and has no intention of meeting me.

I, like millions others, have my September 11th story.  I wept, and wept for them.  On the ten year anniversary, I didn't watch the specials.  I still remember.

Over the past decade:
I've been to 3 grand-parents funerals.  
I attended a funeral for sweet Ava, who fought CDH courageously for 47 days.  Her mother's courage, still inspires me.
I watched an entire sanctuary fill up, to say goodbye to an amazing man, father, husband, son, and friend.  He left his wife, and 3 kids behind.  His kids are such beautiful souls.  I know he is proud.
I watched a close friend prepare herself and her family for her mother in law's passing (breast cancer).

Then I saw the news on Friday, and I feel - like -  I've seen it all.  I don't like what I see.  I don't want to see anymore.  I only want what matters & is truly important.  I want to live my life to please God.  If I don't have Him, I have nothing.  I pray I show God's love through: words, deeds, thoughts, and actions.   I pray for the health & safety of my family, and my friends. 

I pray for peace and comfort for the families devastated in CT.