Saturday, January 5, 2013


"You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you will join us.."

I have an active imagination.  It keeps me entertained daily.  When my boys were little, I worried: they didn't have an imagination.  (they were very little at the time).  That fear has long subsided, along with the insane argument "He's not letting me pretend...."  I only wish I could exact that power over someone.. 

This morning, I overheard the following:

Liam: "Aidan!.  Look, the mouse was found here this morning (a mouse ornament lying face down on the wood floor."
The deceased ornament

Aidan, "Yes, I definitely believe he was murdered.  I'll start interviewing possible witnesses."  (Turns to the sea urchin-looking ornament' "Did you see anything last night?" (Turns to Liam) "The sea urchin isn't saying anything, but I know he's hiding something."
The silent sea urchin

Liam coming from around the Christmas tree holding another mouse ornament.
Liam, "Look, the dead mouse's brother, JoJo has just arrived.  He doesn't speak, he just smiles."
JoJo the mute

By this time, I couldn't stay quiet any longer.  I had to get involved.  This was WAY too fun for me to miss out on..

Jenn, "Bring Jojo over here.  Let me handle him." (Liam brings Jojo over to me.) "JoJo, Thank you for coming in.  I'm sorry to hear about your brother.  Do you know anything that might help this investigation?  Do you understand what we're dealing with here?  YOUR BROTHER IS DEAD.  WIPE THAT STUPID SMILE OFF YOUR FACE!"

Then the door bell rang..  Our voices went back to normal.  The improv session ended.  

I'm not entirely sure where this plot line derived from.  We monitor their tv. What can I say?  Other, than, I'm also aware now that we have quite a few mice ornaments.  Which makes me wonder: Why is it okay to put a cute looking mouse on the Christmas tree, but I don't want ANY live ones around me, in my house, garage, etc.. EVER...

**I didn't include the last line [and the world will live as one] purposefully.  I don't think it will happen, ever.  I am a Christian; I believe in everlasting life with God.  I believe I will live in peace after this world.  It's why I can laugh off the small injustices we face daily.  This world is temporary for me.  My only wish: that others would find Christ's peace and love, that has filled in my life.