Monday, September 26, 2011

Case of the Mondays, and Confessional

Slept 'til 7:04: DANG IT!!!! 

CONFESSION TIME: I drive the boys to school, I should totally walk them: note to self, add another goal: Walk kids to AND from school EVERYDAY - (weather permitting). so embarrassing...

After the boys were dropped off and the whites started in washer, I fixed myself a cup of coffee, and had myself a Monday morning meeting, then I realized:  It's almost the end of September, and I find myself transferring last weeks items onto this week's items.  I'm a SAHM, this shouldn't be happening should it?  BOTH are in school now: where is the time going during the day?  It's INSANE, MADDENING, and RIDICULOUS!  I have several projects I'm trying to complete prior to the holidays.  [Thanksgiving marks us being in our home ONE year .  {I will openly admit, I've given myself this deadline for the house being organized, set up for the rest of our lives, as well as decorated - NO PRESSURE there!}]  

Being organized, and staying on top of things is important as a mother (state the obvious much?)  As an ADHD mom, it requires a snitch more planning time, and the presence of mind remembering my brain DOES work, it just works differently, AND at it's own pace.  I'm not ashamed if all I've accomplished are daily chores, my volunteering, and assistance to the boys' with their needs, however the un-rational side of me still finds it necessary to add pressure, deadlines, and basically overcomplicate any process or project.  Tell me I'm NOT the only one that does this to myself?!  

Lucky for me, I've got a husband that 'gets' me, doesn't try to micro-manage (most times), and is supportive and loving, even when I've over-extended, over-complicated, or over-thought WHATEVER!  

Some more confessional:
Here's how I WANT you to imagine my table as I had my monday morning meeting.

Now, here's how it really looked (I told you, it was a confessional day!)

If you ever need a process or project over-complicated or over-thought, just let me know, and I'd be happy to pass on my own special form of insanity, I mean, insight! * OR* maybe I should just run for a political office?!  hmmmmmm 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Old Mother Hubbard

Remember the nursery rhyme?

Old Mother Hubbard
Went to her cupboard
to give the poor dog a bone.

Mine would be something like:

Young Mother Bailey (i refuse to call myself old)
Went to her Pantry
and couldn't find a damn thing.

Thanks to Pintrest (a virtual pinboard of fabulous ideas, photos, and inspiration) and my new favorite blog:, I've re-vamped my pantry for about $70.  I got the shelves at Bed Bath & Beyond.  The pantry and freezer baskets, as well as the bottom stacking baskets are from Container Store.
 seriously.. how did we find stuff?

**In the interest of full disclosure:  I cleaned out the pantry as well.  Some things had expired, some were donated, and lastly, I haven't grocery shopped since before school started.. It's time.** {dread}

While I was at it, I transformed our freezer.  It was an opportunity to clean out & dispose of expired foods. (Not that we had many of them, ahem).


the icepacks for lunches and more importantly, WINE!

***I'm sure there are some that think this is a waste of time.  For me, it is not; it's crucial for me to stay organized.  I'm very ADD, and have all the wonderful traits that it entails.  It's not easy for an ADD mom to efficiently run a household without a place for everything, and everything in it's place.  It benefits both myself AND the family when there is order.

Here's a link to Wikepedia's Old Mother Hubbard.  I had no idea it was such a long poem.  Learn something new everyday! ;) wink