Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary

I think mine shall be aptly worded:
Jenn, Jenn, quite obstinate
How does your garden grow?

It's not perfect, but Jenny and Jennifer are hard to rhyme.

I had a vision in mind when I moved into this house.  I wanted to welcome guests, birds & butterflies by planting fragrant flowering bulbs (in the color scheme of pink, purple & blue).  Not every bulb has bloomed, (although promised on the package), I will be gracious, allowing another calendar year to pass to allow for establishment.  I first had to eliminate the overgrown shrubs. Ugh, I have utter disdain for overgrown shrubs.  They were chopped down, and stumps ground up, ready for my vision.    
(Before moving in)

This is what I started with at the beginning of the gardening season.  
 All my bulbs, new plants ready to go.  (I was completely serious about the color scheme).
Here's a look at my fruitful efforts thus far.
*Confession (I should be confident enough in myself AND gardening capabilities to take a full picture of the same view, but because it's not perfectly weeded, and the ground doesn't have enough mulch, I won't allow for such vulnerablility.  I should just get over it, but I'm not going to.  Perhaps by the end of summer I will have laid enough mulch, and fought the ivy enough to take a full view.)
 this one smells DIVINE

 my glads..

 one of my favs.  i think 'cause I like to deadhead them

 pretty pink petunias
 My gardenias, star jasmine & wisteria also bloomed.  I'm curious to see the timing of blooms next year.  I should have blooms spring well into summer.  If I would known how much I love spending time out there, I would have gone for my B.A/S in Landscape Architecture.  College kids are so dumb.. I love spending time out side, with my ipod on, and my DC (diet coke) close by.  It's a soothing way to pass time.  

Monday, June 13, 2011

My hero

The title, while it should read: My heroes, is a tribute to the Foo Fighters: My hero. You know I'm crazy, mad about music, and the Foo Fighters are no exception.  Such a great song.

(I love the stoic, tough look they give).  So serious.
An evening with Thor & Capt. America.  Although we don't let the boys watch the live action movies, or the 'real superhero movies' as they address them, they enjoy the comics, and the cartoons.  Aidan also had to doctor his Thor hammer, due the inaccuracy of the Nerf design.  The 'real' Thor hammer has a strap, that (Thor) can spin around before launching it.  So, we added a long rubber band and duck tape.  I'm happy to report it now is 'much better, and much more like Thor's real hammer'! 

Tiger cub & 'Akela' & my Wolf cub.  They had a fantastic time at scout camp. 
Liam made a bird feeder (I almost bought one, but didn't have to)!  I even talked him into painting it  to match the planters!  He willingly obliged.  Aidan made a pinewood derby stand.  He's not painted it yet, as he's still deciding what color he should paint it.  Indecision much?  Is he his father's son?  

A few weeks ago, I was really down in the dumps, and mourning the fact I will never have a girl.  (This womb is closed - We've come too far to start over again.  Did you know they have an entire Disney section of ribbons at Joann's - that I will NEVER get to utilize?! (sniff.sniff)... That being said, I ADORE my boys.  I was MEANT to be a boy mom.  I'm allowed trips to Lone Star comics, I get to choose my superhero powers, AND design my costume.  I get to camp, don't have to wear makeup, and buy all the pink stuff for myself.  and, I DON'T have to share, [they leave my pink stuff alone]. (wink) Not to shabby for Jenn!  
When people ask, "Aren't you going to try for a girl?" My response is: "Nah, I'm enough estrogen for one house." - and that's probably the truth.