Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary

I think mine shall be aptly worded:
Jenn, Jenn, quite obstinate
How does your garden grow?

It's not perfect, but Jenny and Jennifer are hard to rhyme.

I had a vision in mind when I moved into this house.  I wanted to welcome guests, birds & butterflies by planting fragrant flowering bulbs (in the color scheme of pink, purple & blue).  Not every bulb has bloomed, (although promised on the package), I will be gracious, allowing another calendar year to pass to allow for establishment.  I first had to eliminate the overgrown shrubs. Ugh, I have utter disdain for overgrown shrubs.  They were chopped down, and stumps ground up, ready for my vision.    
(Before moving in)

This is what I started with at the beginning of the gardening season.  
 All my bulbs, new plants ready to go.  (I was completely serious about the color scheme).
Here's a look at my fruitful efforts thus far.
*Confession (I should be confident enough in myself AND gardening capabilities to take a full picture of the same view, but because it's not perfectly weeded, and the ground doesn't have enough mulch, I won't allow for such vulnerablility.  I should just get over it, but I'm not going to.  Perhaps by the end of summer I will have laid enough mulch, and fought the ivy enough to take a full view.)
 this one smells DIVINE

 my glads..

 one of my favs.  i think 'cause I like to deadhead them

 pretty pink petunias
 My gardenias, star jasmine & wisteria also bloomed.  I'm curious to see the timing of blooms next year.  I should have blooms spring well into summer.  If I would known how much I love spending time out there, I would have gone for my B.A/S in Landscape Architecture.  College kids are so dumb.. I love spending time out side, with my ipod on, and my DC (diet coke) close by.  It's a soothing way to pass time.  

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