Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Elementary Bake team: oven mitts ready!!

We had a short school week this week!! No homework!!  5 days off!! God Bless Thanksgiving break!   Good food, good company, and the holiday festivities begin.  We celebrated an early Thanksgiving with Jeremy's family.  It was delicious.  My pecan pie didn't set well, but I know what went wrong: I used a shallow pie dish, and didn't adjust the amount I poured in.  Wont happen next time - I promise.  I was so embarrassed, but played it off well.  I openly admit: I don't love cooking.  I cook out of obligation and necessity.  I LOVE baking.  I love trying new confectionary treats.  I love love love baking!!!

This week, the elementary bake team (I just made that team thing up, but it sounds official, doesn't it?!) were called upon to bake some treats for the teachers, as a 'Thanks for all you do, happy Thanksgiving, enjoy our baked goods'.  So, here's what I did:  (This is so super easy, and super delish!) -  I don't have a name for it, other than ' 
"A perfect bite"

A perfect bite: oreo's dipped in white chocolate and candy cane

You will need:
Oreos - one package
Vanilla flavored almond bark, or white chocolate morsels, melted*
(I used 4 squares of Vanilla flavored almond bark)
(*when melting in microwave, use small time increments (20-30 seconds) as not to scorch the chocolate.
How will you know it's scorched? It will not be smooth, rather crumb-y)
Candy canes (I used a box of 18, and crushed ~ 15)
I set up an assembly line (working right to left - I am left handed)
Dip the oreo in the almond bark (I dip half way), then dip in the candy cane.  Lay on flat surface to dry.
crushed candy canes - 

Lucky for my husband, there were a few broken oreos, we had to dispose of accordingly - you understand, right?!

The perfect bite! enjoy

These are so easy, and really yummy. 

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