Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Return to Innocence

Confession: I never went on a Spring Break trip (gasp!)  I know, right?! Can you believe it?  I never got drunk on a beach, flashed my boobies, and made out with a drunk guy.  What a prude, right?!  My parents weren't fronting me the money when I was in high school - (It's like they didn't trust me or something?!).  My freshman year in college, I was travelling with the Tech Pom squad to the Sweet Sixteen tournament.  I can't remember what I did the rest of my college years - couldn't have been too eventful.

In 2005, my mom, the boys (then ages 19 months, and 2 months), and I started taking trips up to Nebraska to visit my grandparents.  That's how our spring breaks have been spent ever since.   The trunk contents back then was somethings like: 2 boxes of diapers (sizes 5 & 1), 2 pack and plays, 1 booster chair, 1 bouncy seat, and one double stroller.   Traveling is easier now that the boys are older.  These days, the back seat is a sickening reminder of how spoiled American children are.  They have the DVD player, and if they get bored with that, they can switch to the DS, and lastly, if that gets too boring, they can play on the iPhone.  (I did bring books too.)  As a Gen X-er, I didn't have the cool electronic gadgets until I was older (hello Walkman!).  When I was little, I LOVED the Disney books on tapes, "You will know it is time to change the page, when you hear the chimes like this (chimes ringing).  A road trip meant a new box of crayons and coloring book- even when I got older.  (Confession: I still love coloring.)   

The number of grandparents has dwindled from four to one, while that makes me sad, I feel infinitely grateful we've taken these trips.  Seeing the joy on my Grandpa's face is priceless (doesn't stop him from being an ornery coot, but we love him anyways).  I get such a sense pride having 4 generations in one room.  Also, I never grow bored of hearing stories.  For instance: a few trips ago, I learned my mom knows how to dress a chicken - and I don't mean, catch it and put clothes on it.  That was one of her chores: from start to finish...   My mom, the prissy, 'I won't go camping', Doris Day mannered, always put together, yes,her!  My mouth still gapes trying to picture her killing a chicken.  This trip I learned they used to go pitchfork fishing.  Maybe similar to Hillbilly handfishin'.. except with a pitchfork!  My mom is so casual cool about it too, like, 'Oh yeah, we used to do that.  We'd follow along, and he'd jab the pitchfork around the banks a few times, to get the fish riled up, then he'd stab them, and we'd have it for dinner the next night."  Ummmm..... Mom, I didn't realize how Little House on the Prairie you grew up!!  

My friend Amelia* detests the Midwest (her husband has family somewhere in the Midwest [KS]).  She feels too isolated (understandable).  Personally, I LOVE time spent there.  It reminds me of some of the happiest times spent with my grandparents.  The freedom I was allowed there, was like NONE I had in Plano.  I could walk to the park, the post office, or even the Cafe (for a coke and candy bar).  I freely did what I was too embarrassed/too cool to do back home.  While the boys won't get quite the same experience, they understand how much it means to me.  Few things make me cry like a six year old; leaving my grandpa is one of them.  I can not help it!   I've tried, year after year, and fail miserably.  I sob phrases like, "It's not fair we have to leave.  I just want to stay here with him.  Why do we have to live so far away from him?!"  - I told you, I turn into a 6 year old!  So, when it's time to leave, we all know what's coming.  

You also can't discount the uncontrollable smile you get after receiving the '2 finger wave' from oncoming drivers.  You anticipate each oncoming driver, ready and eager to return it.  Okay, the novelty doesn't last long, but it makes you feel like you're a part of them. (Plus - do you know HOW fast you can travel down those desolate highways?!)
Without further adieu, here are a few pics from our trip. 
Aidan, Grandpa, & Liam

Aidan & Grandpa.  

Liam, Grandpa & me (I'm fighting off tears)

Why a picture of a coke fountain? Because they had this IN the hotel available to ME, for my drinking pleasure!  Hello, heaven!

I'm not a bootlegger, but.....  these days, the trunk is stashed with  ~ case (or 2) of Wine from Superior Estates Winery.  Turns out, all that fertile soil isn't just for corn & Milo, grapes do quite well too.
Honestly, it's my favorite wine.  I have to stock up when I'm there, as it's not available here.   

*fictitious name used to protect her identity - Midwesterners, please don't hold this against her, she's a good person.  
Lenten update:

I've remained Facebook free.  In this time, I've completed a few projects (post pictures in later blog).  
I've read 6 books
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins (LUUUUHHHHVVVEEDD IT - sing song voice)
Catching Fire Suzanne Collins (Luh-ved it!!)
Mockingjay Suzanne Collins (Luh-ved it... now what?!)
Half Broken Horses - Great read, Well written. Made me want to be a rancher (kinda).  
Just One Look - Harlan Coben (good read. good twists - typical thriller)
The Jury - Fern Michaels ('s okay so far)

seems that there ARE other things to do than FB, hmm, go figure.

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