Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Boys are Back in Town

Guess who just got back today?
Them wild-eyed boys that had been away
Haven't changed, haven't much to say
But man, I still think them cats are crazy

I don't like to brag, BUT....
Last week, I had the ENTIRE week off (and I don't mean Monday - Friday, I'm talking Sunday through Sunday.  My AMAZING, SELFLESS, TIRELESS, SAINT of a mother in law ASKED (yep, you read that correctly - SHE ASKED if the boys could spend the week with her & Pop-Pop.  What could I say?  I don't want to disappoint the sweet woman, so, I did what any selfless mother would do: I had my husband pack their clothes, and we said YES!
Did I get the boys' rooms cleaned out and organized?  
Did I get my projects completed? 
Did I get my craft room cleaned out & organized?

I didn't do much of anything; LOVED every minute of it!  Know what else? I didn't feel a snitch guilty, either!  See, I don't feel bad for taking care of myself.  Growing up, I distinctly remember my mom leaving for some 'her' time; when I'd ask to accompany, it was an unapologetic: No!  Know what?  I totally get that!  I realized early on (in motherhood), if I didn't take care of myself, I had little to give.  I love those boys too much, to neglect myself.  

My advice to new mothers: Take care of yourself without guilt.  As mothers, we take/feel enough guilt for 3 lifetimes. (We can cover that in another blog post, aptly named; Crucify    

What did J & I do?  We reconnected.  Turns out, I still really like him. :)  We watched the Olympics, went to a few movies, drank our dinner (not every night), and laughed.  I know a week without kids isn't practical for every couple, but I highly recommend a few kid-less nights, every once in a while.  

The first verse of Thin Lizzy's song: Boys are Back in Town, describes today.  They walked in, gave us obligatory hugs, and fell right into normal.  They haven't changed - don't have much to say (unless you're talking Legos & superheroes).  While I loved my vacation, I'm glad my boys are back in town!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Dirty Little Secret

"I'll keep you my dirty little secret (dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret"

A website I visit every Sunday: Postsecret.  Not because I'm looking for my secret, [not that I haven't sent one, (wink)] but because I find it fascinating.  Some of the secrets make me laugh, others, break my heart.  

Secrets are funny; especially the ones (secrets) we think are going to shock & appall, only to find complete understanding.  Don't you feel so relieved afterwards?  Like, what was the big deal?!  Obviously I'm not referring to serious secrets (I enjoy kicking puppies, or I'm really Dexter in my spare time), but the ones after confession, we find a closer bond to a friend or family member.  Some of the best conversations with friends include the following statements: "Okay, I'm gonna tell you something", "please don't tell anyone", and "Oh My Gosh!! Me Too!!"  

Here's my best beauty secrets:

Apply a neutral lip liner all over lip, then apply lipstick or lipgloss.  (Especially if it's a colored lipstick, it will stay on much longer!)  My personal favorite nude lip liner: Mary Kay's Neutral Lip Liner.  

If you don't take your eye makeup off at night, the next day, you'll have a short eyelash day. (sad face)

When you apply moisturizer, also, apply to your decollete, neck (in an upward motion), and hands. (Those are the first to show age.)

Here's a few of my dirty funny little secrets:

  • Butt cracks make me laugh. I know, it's so immature; I can't help it.  I think they're funny.  [I LOVE the part in Braveheart, where the Scotts lift their kilts & slap their butts.] 
  • I don't like my toes to touch anyone's toes. I have to mentally prepare myself to allow my toes to touch someone else's toes. 
  • I've seen many of my friends FB photo at the bottom of Postsecret, but have NEVER seen mine, it makes me jealous/mad. (isn't that stupid?!) 
  • It scares me how many donuts and girl scout Thin Mints I can consume in one setting.  I bury the evidence in the trash can - or - take the trash out.
  • I want at least 3 more tattoos, (including a traditional Polynesian style) (much, MUCH to the chagrin of my parents, and J. 
  • I can't stand Julia Roberts.  Every movie preview with her has that damn annoying {ha HAA HAAAAAHH} laugh of hers.  Every single preview! Pay attention next time, you'll hear it.  (I do like Pretty Woman & Steel Magnolias)
  • Since my days as drill team captain I still carry the following in my purse/wallet: bandaid, rubberband for ponytail, safety pin, and paperclip.  (such a nerd. so embarrassing)
  • I wash my face EVERY night.  Even on the rare occasion I've had too many cocktails, I still wash my face.  The next morning when I wake, I gently pat my eyes to feel for makeup, then smile when I realize I washed!  

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

When We Were Young

"Can we climb this mountain? I don't knowHigher now than ever beforeI know we can make it if we take it slowThat's takin' easy, easy now, watch it go"When We Were Young - The Killers
Nothing too profound or comical today.  I've been wanting to post, but can't think of much to say.  I know, I know: Jennifer, not much to say?  Impossible.  I will say this.  I've got a BUNCH on my mind, but I'm in the middle of processing everything, and not sure what I want to say, or how to say it.  So until then, enjoy some pictures.
I've said this before: I didn't know I wanted kids until I met J.  I 'retired' from babysitting at the tender age of 13.  It wasn't for me.  I didn't like crying babies.  I didn't like changing diapers.  I was very much a baby myself, so I didn't have much to give.  Makes sense, right?  
I love and adore being a parent.  I love seeing the world through their eyes.  Moreover, I love is their complete inhibition in front of a camera!   
Here are a few shots from our summer 2012 Colorado trip.  
Liam insisted on wearing that huge shirt because he was cold.

chilling, posing before our Coors tour

I can't remember how many times I heard the phrase: "Mom, take a picture of us."

He adores his big brother.  so sweet, when he's not giving me fits.  

what do you say about this pose, except: AWESOME?!

they wanted to squeeze in this nook, just because they could.

my attempt of inhibition in front of the camera. 

i love muscle poses!

seriously LOVE muscle poses!!

no need to worry - those grey shorts are IN the goodwill pile, having seen this picture!!