Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oprah & the Arsenic hour

"..turn on Oprah, and call me back."

"Do you have yesterday's Oprah? Can I come over and watch it."

MOM.... are you watching Oprah?

Jenn, did YOU watch Oprah?

and lastly my husband's FAVORITE start of a conversation, "Today on Oprah...."

We've all had similar conversations.  I know I've used it as a conversation starter (on the unusual occasion, I DON'T know what to say.)  We've grown up with her.  She was there telling us, "You ARE enough".  Now, whether or not we listened: that's another post.  How many of us have had an a-ha moment during one of her shows?  I've scoffed at many of her shows too (Tom Cruise: really Tom?).  At least it WAS there for me TO scoff at.  Let the record reflect: I am not sad.  I have regrets, and concern.                        
1. I've never been a guest on the Oprah show: I don't have a product/book/business I can promote, and benefit from the 'Oprah effect'.
Damn it, I JUST found my voice, and NOW it's too late... Now, I'll never amount to anything... (i suck).

2. I've never been an audience member on her favorite things episode.

Concern:  What are all the new moms out there going to watch during the arsenic hour?  Those wicked wicked hours between 4-6, Oprah saw me through those tough days.  It was only an hour a day, but it gave me the extra strength knowing I could persevere until the husband got home.  I was tired of the one way conversations.  I was tired from giving so much of myself and being paid in spit up.  I needed some adult interaction.  Jeremy would look at me with a placating look when I began my sentences with, "Today on Oprah".  I took offense, here's why: some days, that was my only adult interaction.   Some days O was my only adult point of reference for the day.  I had NOTHING new to add otherwise.  Sure, I could talk anecdote all day, but not much of substance.  I'm not complaining about being a stay at home mom.  It was the right decision for me.  It's not for everyone.  Loneliness is a risk for the stay at home mom.  Oprah was my prescription.  Hence, the worry about you new moms out there..  If you need some adult interaction, just call me..
I didn't always get to watch it during the 4 o'clock hour.  Allow me to paint the scenario:  Aidan standing looking at a paused screen asking, "Uh, is this appropriate for ME?  It doesn't sound like it's appropriate."
[Thanks A, for being my moral compass.]  "No, Aidan, probably not, I'll record it, and watch it later."  Let me turn on PBS.. I think Martha Speaks is on.

footnote: my kids (ages 7,6 still love PBS in the afternoon.  I don't try to skew them either.  I openly admit trying to keep them young & innocent as long as possible.  I do it unabashedly.

1 comment:

  1. you are on a roll this week! Keep them coming - it's like a little dose of Jenn conversation for me, and I miss that!
