Thursday, May 26, 2011

"I'll be your cashier, whenever you're ready."

I don't believe in coincidences.  Not at all.  These are Divine interventions (albeit small ones), I can't/won't be convinced otherwise.  There is a reason.  It might not be revealed immediately, or even directly, but it has an impact or a reason.  The term i've adopted : 'Godwink' does not belong to me, it's from a book I'm reading by SQuire Rushnell: When God Winks at You.  "When God winks, He is reaffirming that there is absolutely nothing about us that He does not know - our every hurt, our every desire. And that to me is very comforting," SQuire Rushnell.

The past few days, a particular Godwink of mine, has been floating in my head.  Since I don't believe in coincidences, it must mean something, I think I'm supposed to share it.   Take from it what you will.
Here goes:

Backstory: I'm adopted. This has always been a big part of me.  My parents* have always been open and honest with me.  As a child, I attended many adoption seminar, to help kids cope with the ramifications of adoption.  I have always been curious about my birthparents**. I always knew in my heart I would search someday, when I was ready.

~2001 I found an attorney in San Antonio (where I was adopted from) that helped with adoption records being unsealed*** through the courts.  Part of the process for unsealing records is: having one hour of post-adoption counseling.  I kept that information and filed it away, thinking that someday when I was ready, I would use it.

2003, ~ May
I'm working as a waitress at Chili's.  I'm pregnant with Aidan.  I am elated, overjoyed, petrified that I am going to be a mom.  I am overjoyed with the possibility that I might have someone that looks like me in my family.  I am very curious medically speaking.  (Something non-adoptees probably take for granted: medical history.  It's a jab every time you fill out medical history: adopted.  Having limited health information for me was okay.  It was certainly NOT acceptable for my unborn child. I prayed to God that morning, before my shift, 'God, if I should go ahead with getting my adoption records unsealed, please give me a sign.'  I carried on with my shift as usual.  When I presented the check to a table of ladies, with my closing line, "I'll be your cashier whenever you're ready."  The lady handed me her credit card, and I took it and read the name: It was the lady that had done ALL my adoption seminars as a child.  WOAH.... OKAY God, got you sign... Guess I will go ahead with that 'post adoption counseling' requirement....   I asked for her card, re-introduced myself, and set up a time for the 'post adoption counseling'.

I did fulfill the requirement.  I did hire the attorney, and I did have my records opened.  That was merely the beginning, rather than the end of the story.  To be honest, I'm still not sure how the story ends, but I know this, I love where it's going.

Again, I don't know why that story has been floating around in my head.  Maybe because I've been reading that book, but I feel that I'm meant to share it.


*When I refer to my 'parents', I am referring to my parents.  The ones that raised me.  The ones that adopted, loved, supported me unconditionally everyday since May 5th, 1977.

**I use (probably an outdated term) birthparents to mean: the DNA contributors of my being, the people that conceived me, the womb that served as an incubator.  Tony, I still thank God EVERY day for having led me to you.

***An unsealed adoption record meant having the full names (first, middle, last) as well as birthdates of my birthparents.

It is impossible for me to ever consider Tom & Lynn Jorgensen as not being my 'real parent'.  God's divine plan, was for me to be placed with them.

My parents and I ~ 1980

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