Friday, August 5, 2011

What to do, when the pool is 102?

It's in-escapable.  This summer is brutal.  Satan's called, he wants his weather back.  Even FB peeps are cranky when others post about the heat.

The boys' attitudes.. hmmm.... (inhaling, exhaling : yogic breathing)... When I ask them to do their workbooks, you'd think I'm asking them to relinquish their toys and replace them with a rock collection.  I've begun dramatically limiting wii, computer, and tv time.  They are forced to play with their toys. Can you imagine?  Sometimes I really loathe technology.  The thought that they are incapable of contentment without it, makes me cringe.  That doesn't seem like progress as a civilization to me.  What do I know?

Anyhow, I've really started tacking my projects I've procrastinated on.  Here's one of them:

I call it:
Recipe Book Clean out & Consolidation

They are organized  by category, etc.
The folder holding recipes I've collected.

These recipe books were my grandmother's.
I took these to staples to hole punch for me. 


Voila!  A cabinet fit for Real Simple

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