Friday, July 29, 2011


Cheers to a great season of Project Runway! Love, the Plano Judges

Electric Youth

The phone rings.  (sigh) the cordless is not right next to me, and I'm really comfy on my bed.  I'd better go see who it is, or my cell phone will be next, and I don't know where that is either.  Naturally, I answer right when the caller hangs up. I call back.

Amy "tell me you're watching GMA"
Jenn "Uh, no, hold on, let me change it (changes channel) - OOOHHHH...THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME KNOW!! I WOULD'VE MISSED THIS!!"

What I hear next, I know the words, but I can't remember who sang it, why do I know these words, (flipping through the file cabinet that I call my brain) -- DEBBIE GIBSON, "oh oh.... It was only in my dream, as real as it may se -e em, it was only in my dream, a whoa oh, a whoa oh"

That's right: Debbie Gibson AND Tiffany performing on GMA promoting their upcoming tour! (I guess it deserves an exclamation mark?)  I felt a bit conflicted seeing the former teen idols performing.

Hearing the song takes me back: I have keds in every color (sometimes with two different socks, switched, thank you very much).  This time was prior to pop's death, and grunge's birth.  This was before we started wearing birkenstocks, Docs*** , and borrowing our dad's flannel shirts.  This was before I was worried about boys paying attention to me, and before we knew how brood teen angst, we were bopping around our rooms giving concerts to our mirrors.  We were little girls - excited for a friday night sleep over and an episode of Full House (oh, I know, I said it~ and yes, I thought Uncle Jesse was soo cute!).  I admit it, I liked their music.  My dad was probably pleased I was singing some sappy pop song instead of Madonna's Papa Don't Preach {Which I had NO idea what that song was about until much later*}.  My only problems in life were not having a bow to perfectly match my outfit, or conflict of sleepovers!

I'm having trouble with Debbie Gibson outfit (white booty shorts, with a garter on the left leg?, a lime ruched crop top, and fushia boa cuff?)  She looks fantastic, I mean FANTASTIC.. She does, BUT, BUT.... should we be trying or dressing like we did back in the day?  I've always heard the fashion rule, "If you've done one trend once, don't do it again." I realize sometimes it's hard not to, but I just think there's a time and place for everything, and her time was back in 1989, and the place was at the MALL..  Poor Tiffany was looking a little rough around the edges.  She looked like she should be touring with Stevie Nicks/ Heart, rather than Debbie Gibson.  She was wearing her chiffon-y dress with a leather vest, and ankle boots.  I just think Debbie's stylist has some work to do - there's got to be a happy medium.  I know there is.  Do you think Debbie still wears Electric Youth Perfume, while on tour?  I remember being chased by bees when I would wear that perfume.. Seriously, the bees followed you.

Here's my take on the midsection thing:  If I get to the point where I feel like it's safe to show off my midsection regularly, I'm hoping that I'll be satisfied enough KNOWING I COULD, but having the restraint NOT to.  Had my bellybutton not been tormented by two pregnancies in 17 months, maybe I would be wearing a bikini with out a second thought.  I just can't bring myself to wear a bikini on a regular basis without fear of mentally scarring others.  Maybe I'm just jealous.. it's totally possible.

Lastly, why I'm happy I'm not famous:  I don't have to sing the same songs that over and over again, so I can get a paycheck.  If I get sick of a song on my iPod with two thousand something songs, they MUST get tired of their selection.

Despite my fashion rips on them, they sounded great, and I smile remembering a happy,  more simple, and innocent time of my life.  Thanks for the flashback.  I just might watch Back to the Future tonight. 

Since we're back in the 80's today, here's a laugh for you: Me circa 1989.
Those are some nice short-alls. -  the acid wash really adds a nice touch, don't ya think?!
also, please note the matching white bow!

Those are jams, and a coke t shirt earned by turning tabs in.. remember that?!

** I have a memory of singing Papa Don't Preach out loud in my room.  The next thing I know is my dad standing in the doorway, asking me if I know what this song means.. I shrugged, "No, why?" -

***BTW, Dani, I don't think I ever returned the Doc Martens I borrowed from you when we were at Vines, and I'm really sorry about that.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pity Party & Project Runway

"Here, put this on." (party hat) 
Perhaps I'm not a true southern lady, because I'm going to divulge some personal info:  I've got the summertime blues.  It's hot outside.  The pools feel like bath water.  I don't want to cook, I'm getting snippy with my boys.  I've put makeup on twice this week just to 'pep' myself up.  My errands aren't being run either, because, well, the boys bitch about having to tag along, and sometimes I just wait until J gets home and run them by myself.  Then I run the risk of the stores being closed (When you're a one income family, the normal work hours don't apply - too dependent on that paycheck). -  I've had 3 migraines this week, and during my runs I've felt so slow and heavy.

I'd like to thank you all for attending my unofficial pity party.  I'm sure my mom and friends thank you as well.  You can take your imaginary pity party hats off.

Now, the grateful list:

my health
the boys' & J's health
my family's health
that sweet niece of mine that's growing in Donna's tummy (I see LOTS of trips to the American Girl Doll Store)! 
air conditioning
water & food in my fridge & pantry
the roof over my head
and lastly:

Mr. Gunn, it has been too long, good sir!  Thank you for dressing as impeccably as you do.  Style and class are not dead after all!

that's right, me & Mr. Gunn.  My number one regret; I was not dressed fabulously at all.. hence the cropping.

My mom & I's Project Runway watch parties start tonight.  We will be sipping my Grandma Carter's slushee (daiquiri) recipe.  ~ believe me, tonight definitely helps my summertime blues.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ode to Pancake

So last week, we were discussing a previous conversation that occurred at Original Pancake House.  I'm quite positive Aidan and I are on the same page, because he promptly asked, "Can we go there for breakfast tomorrow, pancakes sound GOOD!"  He is TRULY a child after my own heart!  I LOVE & ADORE breakfast, and all that it entails.  Moreover, I love going out for breakfast.  More than that, I LOVE going to breakfast at The Original Pancake House.  I've been going there since I was in middle school (twenty something years?- is that right?!)  I now have the privilige of taking my boys there.  So, enjoy the following tri-picture scene.  You never guess where you stand with Liam.  He lets you know immediately, with his facial expressions, words, and actions.  

Mom to Aidan, "Aidan, I don't think he wants your hand on his shoulder."

Mom to Aidan, "AIDAN, Please take your hand off of Liam, I know that's sweet, but he doesn't want you touching him right now." Poor Aidan complies.

the end result.  (sigh)

end note: I was going to attempt some clever, witty 'Ode'. Did you know an ode should contain at least 10 stanzas?  I love pancakes and all, but 10 stanzas worth?  A little more work that I wanted to do.

Before & After (a curtain panel)

Before: I believe that is a window sheer doubled over twice, and draped over a tension rod.  Classy huh?
P.S. not sure why the lighting was so bad in this pic?  

The after:  a simple, tailored striped silk panel (also on a tension rod).  Meh, I'm not super crazy about it, it still looks like it's missing something.  Thoughts or suggestions are always welcomed. 

Such an exciting post, huh?!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dog Days are NOT over - NOT EVEN CLOSE

I was surprised at how late I slept, surprised how late I slept un-interrupted, and how HARD I slept.  I woke up at 10:55.  I woke up feeling like I should just go back to bed, maybe I should've.  I don't think that would've helped.  The laundry isn't going to finish itself, the scout summer schedule is already overdue, and I'm waging war against Polly's shed fur.
Seriously, look at those circles.  It might not seem too bad, but I think my eye sagging is approximately 2 cm.   Damn... dark circles.. I would SO consider an eyelift on a day like today Has anyone actually tried Hydrolize? 

Does this help at all?

Towards the end of the school year Liam ended up with quite a shiner.  The scary part, is it took us a few days to drag it out of him before he confessed: he gave it to himself... acting silly.  No wonder he was so embarrassed: poor little guy. he was just being silly, showing off punching himself (?) (don't ask me, I'm not a boy, and don't understand the male need to peacock strut), he punched himself a little too hard. Anyhow, one morning we were sitting at the breakfast table before school, and he looked over at me, and said, "Mom, I'm not the only one with a black eye... you've got TWO."  Ha! awww... Thanks Lee... you sweet, honest little boy.. yep, you noticed those dark circles? I don't feel old, but I sure feel tired sometimes, and I've got the dark circles to prove it.

I should've known it was going to be one of those days.  The boys have been sent to their rooms numerous times for fighting, J & I are bickering, I don't feel like doing anything; there are a MILLION things that need to be done.  The point? Not sure, just know it's July in Texas, and it's f*ing hot, and we're not even close to being done with these miserable temperatures.  No wonder everyone is so cranky.  Lucky us, we've got until September to enjoy the sweltering, why did I even bother taking a shower, I'm never going to feel fresh again, dog days of summer.  Why do we live here?  Oh yeah, we've got a job, and we're employed, and feel blessed about this.

At least, I'm still able to crack myself up.  
Now, onto the scout summer schedule, Thor has just requested help with his costume, and I probably should make up with J.