Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pity Party & Project Runway

"Here, put this on." (party hat) 
Perhaps I'm not a true southern lady, because I'm going to divulge some personal info:  I've got the summertime blues.  It's hot outside.  The pools feel like bath water.  I don't want to cook, I'm getting snippy with my boys.  I've put makeup on twice this week just to 'pep' myself up.  My errands aren't being run either, because, well, the boys bitch about having to tag along, and sometimes I just wait until J gets home and run them by myself.  Then I run the risk of the stores being closed (When you're a one income family, the normal work hours don't apply - too dependent on that paycheck). -  I've had 3 migraines this week, and during my runs I've felt so slow and heavy.

I'd like to thank you all for attending my unofficial pity party.  I'm sure my mom and friends thank you as well.  You can take your imaginary pity party hats off.

Now, the grateful list:

my health
the boys' & J's health
my family's health
that sweet niece of mine that's growing in Donna's tummy (I see LOTS of trips to the American Girl Doll Store)! 
air conditioning
water & food in my fridge & pantry
the roof over my head
and lastly:

Mr. Gunn, it has been too long, good sir!  Thank you for dressing as impeccably as you do.  Style and class are not dead after all!

that's right, me & Mr. Gunn.  My number one regret; I was not dressed fabulously at all.. hence the cropping.

My mom & I's Project Runway watch parties start tonight.  We will be sipping my Grandma Carter's slushee (daiquiri) recipe.  ~ believe me, tonight definitely helps my summertime blues.

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