Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Laissez les bons temps rouler

Good Time Roll, The Cars

Whenever I hear the cajun expression, I think of The Cars song.
Today is Fat Tuesday, and while I've never been to Rio or Mardi Gras, it remains on my bucket list.
Our day remains like any other Tuesday.  We have snacks, relaxing, homework, dinner, showers, and bed.  I've successfully given up things in years past, other years, failed miserably.  I'm having a hard time deciding this year exactly WHAT to give up.  2012 has started off as a really good year.
My oldest has been in school 3 years now, and the time prior to school years seems so distant.  I refer to the early childhood years as, 'the Mansfield years', referring to the city we lived.  I was 5 months pregnant moving there.  I literally let my mom and best friend unpack and set up my house.  When we found out we were pregnant with Liam, Aidan was only 8 months old.  Wanna know something funny?  We thought that was old.  Having the boys so close together, was tough on me, and tough on our marriage.  Jeremy spent long hours away from home to provide for us.  It was a very lonely time for me.  I listened to people when they told me it would go fast.  Looking back, it was a blur, but at the time, it didn't feel so.  I remember going on dates with Jeremy, where I literally couldn't think of things to say.  I spent so much time with the two babies, I felt incapable of formulating conversation.
Although, I don't necessarily look back on those years, as 'Good times', I did the best I could.  I don't have mega cutesy scrapbooks, marking their EVERY first.  I felt proud if I remembered to write it down.  When the boys are grown, I hope they'll forgive and realize, I did the best I could.  I often referred to those times, as "deep in it (labor intensive, selfless giving, child rearing), or 'survival mode'.  If at the end of the day, both had dry diapers, been fed, and dry clothes, the day was marked off as a success.  I also will say, I'm over-joyed I was able to stay home with them.  I know it's not for everyone.  I can't emphasize enough, how much respect I have for the working mother.
When we moved to Plano, both boys were potty trained (for some time), and I hadn't carried a diaper bag in over a year.  It felt like a new start.  We wouldn't change a thing either!  As tough as it was, the rewards are infinite.  They are best friends.  They've NEVER known a time without the other.  I'm not sure when we would've decided it was the right time for #2.  Seems like God knows what he's doing after all, go figure.

Mothers Day 2005,  Aidan 17 months
May 2005, Liam was 2 weeks old 
a few years later, 2007, Liam almost 2, Aidan 3
Those early years of child rearing are tough.  Babies don't know when you need a break.  So many of my friends have new babies.  Jeremy and I give each other the knowing nod.  Yep, they're in the club now.  It does get better.  I love and adore our family time.  15 years ago, if you would've told me, Friday and Saturday night spent at home, with your family, will be some of your favorite times.  I probably would've given you the, "Okay" bitchy nod.

I'm still struggling with what to give up for Lent:
Some suggestions from friends have been:
dining out
my thoughts: diet coke or Facebook.

I'm thinking maybe it will be Facebook.  If our year has been this good, how much better would it be without being a slave to my iphone?  What if I focus on Stella&Dot, projects, Scouts,  blog, and home obligations?  Does this mean, I can't post my blog to Facebook? Can we make the exception for that?  I'm thinking we can, as long as I promise to only post blogs.  I can do that! easy. (gulp)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just a Girl.

Immediately after No Doubt's Just a Girl, I adopted it as my anthem.  I still feel like that (mumbled fifteen) years later.  How many times did I hear: "It's not YOU we don't trust, it's ALL those CRAZIES out there."  The responsible adult in me, now realizes, it was all in my best interest.  The girl in me still resents that scared feeling, being petite, and wants to shake my fist, OR jump up and down at a No Doubt concert, like I did a few years ago~ I digress.

I'm pretty much a girly girl.  I am without a doubt,  an unapologetic, acknowledging, and accepting: high maintenance girl.  I own it.  I have to. What good would denying do?  Why not, openly admit, and move on?  It's no secret to my parents, friends, or husband.  He's known this for some time now.  When Jeremy and I bicker, often I throw out the phrase, "Look, YOU'RE the one that married me.." (as if it's not really my problem, but his.) 

In honor of being a girly girl - I have a small celebration to share:
 A Good Eyelash day!
No clumps, just long, luscious lashes - hells yah!!!
Never underestimate the power of a good eyelash day!  It makes, just about EVERYTHING better!  It's almost like a guarantee that you're going to have a GREAT day!
Wait, it gets better: 2 days in a row!!
I mean, I must be living right, or all the planets are aligned, just so.
Confession time: When I was pregnant with BOTH boys, one of my prayers for my babies: (aside from health and happiness): for them to inherit MY eyelashes, and not Jeremy's!!!  Seriously - I did, AND (exhale) prayers answered!  I'm happy to report, BOTH boys inherited MY lashes, and NOT Jeremy's.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Romeo, Romeo... Wherefore art thou?

Here's a picture of my two Romeos filling out their Valentines.  Liam opted for the entire 1st grade, AND his 4th grade buddies, AND the 4th grade teachers! (Um, over achieve much?!)  In honestly, this is a huge celebration!  That was a lot of writing for a little boy that doesn't enjoy writing!  I was very proud.  
 Aidan, on the other hand, just opted for his homeroom class.  (Wish I would've known that before I bought 3 boxes!) - funny I called them Romeos - neither of them will talk to girls they like - FINE BY ME!!!
It's so hard for me to capture a decent picture of both boys.  I OBVIOUSLY NEED a Digital SLR!!  Time waits for no man, as Liam waits for no camera!

See what I mean?!  The TV is way more entertaining.  Look at all those Valentines!  

Monday, February 13, 2012

A Quickie Quillow: eewwww....????

First of all, I don't like the word Quillow.  It goes on the list of words I dislike:
Some other words on the list;
it goes on, but those are just a few.

So, I call this, a travel pillow/blanket.

Materials Needed:
Fleece (~ 1 3/4yds)
Fabric for the Square (~ 20")
Sewing Machine

I found this fabulous Marimekko fabric at the Crate & Barrel outlet for $2.95/yard!! SCORE!!
(My fleece was 50% off at Joanns so, I paid $9.00 for the fleece)I laid the fabric out.  I then trimmed it so it measured (48'x60')

I measured 19" square, allowing for 1/2" seam allowance.  I then sewed  the two square pieces together (right sides together, so I would have a finished square on both sides.  (When the pillow was folded, as well as in blanket form- 'cause i'm anal like that.)  Leave a small opening on one part of the square, so you can turn it right sides out, to pin onto the fleece.
I measured ~ 15" to pin the pocket to the center of the fleece. (Placing the finished square on the topside of the fleece.)
The pocket pinned, next is the sewing machine.

Just a view of the pocket being sewn onto the fleece.  (You might need to adjust the dogfeed, as it tends to grab the fleece.)
To fold the finished quillow: Place pocket side down, fold one edge towards the center.  Repeat with the other side.
Both sides folded in, ready to fold down the middle.  Then turn inside out, placing blanket inside the pocket.

The finished project.  It's a rather flat pillow, however the convenience is fantastic.  These will make the trip to Nebraska for Spring break for sure!  I bought some cool fabric to make the boys one as well.

It's an easy project.  The longest part for me is the measuring.. Ugh..
Try it out, let me know how it worked out for you.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

What's New Pussycat?

One of the ornery things Jeremy and I do to each other: we purposefully sing an annoying song out loud, likely to get stuck in your head.  Often, one of us will get a phone call, with a conversation starting like, "I hope you're happy, that song has been stuck in my head ALL morning."
A few choice songs: Anything by The Carpenters, What's New Pussycat?, Rick Astley's: Never Gonna Give you Up.. .you get the point..

2 months since my last post? How have you all been getting along, without reading my witty, thought-provoking, random thoughts?

What have you accomplished since the holidays?  I've completed a few projects, pinned a few hundred items, stepped out of my baking comfort zone, and started a new venture.

In January, our Church hosted a family party.  The boys each invited a friend to spend the night afterwards.  The boys finished off 2 large pizzas, a pitcher of lemonade, and a box full of donuts.
  Here are a few pics:
morning after
some morning wii
how many donuts does it take?

Late in January, Jeremy and I went to Playa for a few days.  It was wonderful.  The weather was perfect.  We relaxed, read, indulged in some adult libations, sat by the pool AND beach, and pretty much did NUTTIN!  It was awesome!  We felt refreshed, and were anxious to return home to our boys.  (The only downside to Playa in January - cold water.  Okay, not cold water like the Navy Seals train in, but not 'Jenn is willing to get into water because 75 degrees is not warm enough for civilized people, such as myself to swim in.  ~  I did get my feet wet, and did the obligatory digging my toes in the sand!  Few things make me as happy, as when I experience the ocean.
Playa ~ where I belong.

Buttermilk Blueberry Muffins with my own Streusel Topping
okay. yes, it was a muffin mix from a box. I substituted the milk for buttermilk, and OH MY GATO..
So Yummy, So Light & Fluffy!!  Try it sometime! I'm in love!

I still have some more topics to post on, but I have to get a Cub Scout Tiger email out to the parents.  Let's not make it another 2 months in between blog posts, shall we?