Sunday, February 12, 2012

What's New Pussycat?

One of the ornery things Jeremy and I do to each other: we purposefully sing an annoying song out loud, likely to get stuck in your head.  Often, one of us will get a phone call, with a conversation starting like, "I hope you're happy, that song has been stuck in my head ALL morning."
A few choice songs: Anything by The Carpenters, What's New Pussycat?, Rick Astley's: Never Gonna Give you Up.. .you get the point..

2 months since my last post? How have you all been getting along, without reading my witty, thought-provoking, random thoughts?

What have you accomplished since the holidays?  I've completed a few projects, pinned a few hundred items, stepped out of my baking comfort zone, and started a new venture.

In January, our Church hosted a family party.  The boys each invited a friend to spend the night afterwards.  The boys finished off 2 large pizzas, a pitcher of lemonade, and a box full of donuts.
  Here are a few pics:
morning after
some morning wii
how many donuts does it take?

Late in January, Jeremy and I went to Playa for a few days.  It was wonderful.  The weather was perfect.  We relaxed, read, indulged in some adult libations, sat by the pool AND beach, and pretty much did NUTTIN!  It was awesome!  We felt refreshed, and were anxious to return home to our boys.  (The only downside to Playa in January - cold water.  Okay, not cold water like the Navy Seals train in, but not 'Jenn is willing to get into water because 75 degrees is not warm enough for civilized people, such as myself to swim in.  ~  I did get my feet wet, and did the obligatory digging my toes in the sand!  Few things make me as happy, as when I experience the ocean.
Playa ~ where I belong.

Buttermilk Blueberry Muffins with my own Streusel Topping
okay. yes, it was a muffin mix from a box. I substituted the milk for buttermilk, and OH MY GATO..
So Yummy, So Light & Fluffy!!  Try it sometime! I'm in love!

I still have some more topics to post on, but I have to get a Cub Scout Tiger email out to the parents.  Let's not make it another 2 months in between blog posts, shall we?

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