Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Beds Are Burning

The time has come
To say fair's fair
to pay the rent
 to pay our share
the time has come
a fact's a fact
it belongs to them
let's give it back.

It happened today.
I got the email.
I knew it was just a matter of time, but was still thrown off.
I think no matter how much you try to prepare yourself, it's still alarming when it arrives:
I got invited to a monthly Bunco party.

My friend heytell'd (seriously, my favorite app) me, and asked if we were even old enough for Bunco.  I heytell'd her back, "I'm afraid we are, in fact, old enough to play Bunco." Let's face it, I'm about to switch boxes on surveys.  Next year this time, I won't be checking the 18-34 box.  Nope, I'm a whole new demographic.  New companies will be soliciting me for their 'older demographics': probably nothing but medicinal muscle creams and arthritis meds.  Before you know it, I'll be getting AARP propaganda.

I have distinct memories of my mom having her Bunco nights.  Those nights meant early baths, bedtimes, and maybe a handful of m&m's after the ladies got there.  They were loud. Things could not be that funny to a bunch of moms, could they?  I guess we'll see.

What am I holding out for?  I've got a working theory: Bunco is a gateway game: it leads to Bridge, Mahjong, and eventually Bingo.  I'm just not sure I'm ready to take the plunge.  Next thing you know, I'll be have an entire recipe book of jell-o salads, and carrot cakes.

Someone should make an educational poster and sell it in college bookstores.  Girls ought to be informed on the progression of games.
Games of the different decades:
late teens - twenties: Quarters, Keg Stands, and I've Never
thirties - forties: Bunco, Bridge 
fifties and older: Bunco, Bridge, Mahjong, and BINGO.

I'm trying to embrace this.  I can't help that it makes me giggle.  I'm sure I will graciously accept the invite, and seek this new venture out - might as well.  I'll let you know how it goes.

P.S.: Why don't I like carrot cake? Because I"m not 70 or older. That's why.

P.p.s: this is written in good fun.  I don't really have anything against Bunco, or any organized games.  I actually LOVE any opportunity for my friends and I to get together.

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