Monday, October 10, 2011

True or False quiz & What's my name?!

True or false:  If mommy is sleeping, and daddy is playing x-box, you should ask mommy to get your breakfast.

Scenario:  Daddy is up playing an x-box game.  Mom is peacefully sleeping.  Liam asked whined to me, Sunday morning "I'm hungry, and I want my breakfast."  I tell him, "Ask Daddy to help you."  He whined back, "No, he's playing x-box."  [I may have had some loud words for him after that response.]

Several hours later, I return home from a delightful afternoon (Music Hall at Fair Park seeing West Side Story), and am instantly greeted with (by Liam), "What's for dinner?!"  [Again, it's possible I had some  loud words for him.] Where did this archaic 50's chauvinistic attitude come from?  Why is he in the mind set, only I am capable of meals.  I have some work cut out for me.

BTW: The correct answer to the above true or false question, is FALSE.  The sooner you (Liam) learn that, the happier mommy will be.

What's my name?
This past weekend we had our Cub Scouts camp out.  Somehow, I was lucky enough to be the scout leader to go up early and 'secure' our sites.  Friday after drop off (nope, still not walking everyday - like I set out to), I headed up north to Eisenhower State Park.  I 'secured' our sites. (I had to put the chits of paper on the clips so others would know the sites were taken).  Then I set up our tent.  I admit, I was pensive about this.  I was convinced I could, I mean, if I can set up a shark or frog tent in our living room, surely I can set up a 4-6 person real tent.  Lo and behold, I did it.  It didn't collapse nor did it move!  I felt a bit like Tom Hanks in Castaway when he created fire.  I think I even did a happy dance like he did.

what's my name?! 
The boys had a blast.  The weather was fantastic, and the company was great.  The boys ran themselves ragged.  It was so cool to be at a point where they can roam (within a reasonable distance) or ride bikes, and basically be entertained with their friends.  2 scraped knees (Aidan), one thorn bush attack (Liam) later, we packed it up early and headed home.  (We saw storms on the iPhones, and I made the call.  I'm all for an adventure, but I don't want to clean it up, and I know I'd be the one stuck cleaning everything up.  A shower and mattress never felt so good!  We had a great time.  I can't wait to do it again.  

My into to camping, thank you Kristin.
Kristin and I on one of the camping trips I took with her family.
circa 1993
Kristin has recently moved back and has a beautiful family of her own.  We can't wait to camp as families.  I'm hoping for this spring, as our fall is booked already.  How did that happen so quickly?!

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