Monday, October 3, 2011

First grader (score 1) v. Mom (score 0), and a weekend of Mr. Mom

Thursday I noticed my throat was hurting.  By Friday, it was kinda hurting some more.  Friday dinner time, I don't feel like doing squat, except for laying on the couch. I do, kinda, sorta, feel like I could eat some chips and queso.  So that's what I make.  Aidan doesn't mind, he joins me at the table.  Liam opts for an orange (fine, whatever).  Two hours later, Liam asks, "What's for dinner?"  To which I reply, "We're just snacking tonight, have some chips and queso."  Liam (the one most like me - in terms of loud outburst) shouts back, "I DON'T WANT CHIPS AND QUESO.  CHIPS AND QUESO ARE JUNK FOOD, AND I WANT HEALTHY FOODS, NOT JUNK FOOD!"  I bow my head in defeat.  How do you argue with that logic?  You can't, not without really messing with their heads, and I worry about permanent damage... so I don't argue..(sigh)  Liam 1, Mom 0.

The current topic of 1st grade: Healthy foods and healthy choices.  Don't tell me, my first grader isn't paying attention.

I spent most of the weekend sleeping.  When I entered my kitchen this morning, here's how it looked: Mr. Mom anyone? (I still love that movie.. and find it still relevant, even today)

to me, this picture says, 'We appreciate and love you mom, and we wanted to make sure you had something to do today!'  Isn't that what the picture says to you?!
My hats off to Jeremy who did a wonderful job this weekend.  They played Marvel and earned extra suits, (whatever that means).  Jeremy had to pick the older one up from a birthday party [typically mom's department].  He took them to a movie with Uncle Chad, and (here's the part to be REALLY impressed: he purchased a baby gift OFF a registry!!  You read that correctly, AND I didn't even have to tell him where Baby's R Us is.  Maybe he used his GPS, maybe he called my mom.. I don't know, point is, he didn't call me, he let me rest! Seriously, Impressive work, Mr. Bailey! (no sarcasm this time, just pure appreciation!)

*and no, mom, I'm not going to the doctor for a cold, or small sinus infection.* {I'm pretty sure that's what it was.  I diagnosed myself, thanks to WebMD.  Jeremy just LOVES it when I get on WebMd and start diagnosing.  I should totally be a diagnostician!} {whispering} tell me where it hurts! 

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